Change Logs
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | clear | Applied Discord API framework updates, host updates, and security patching. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | Message Delete Logs | Message Delete logs will now do a better job at presenting embedded data that was deleted, if it was present. Message Delete logs will now show polls that were present. |
UPDATED | Invite Detector | The Invite Detector now has a separate category for enabling Message Video Embed checking. This allows for separating out the checking of things like Youtube videos that might have Discord invite links in the description. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | Modmail | When an assigned ticket is replied to by the user after more than a couple minutes, the assigned users and roles will be notified of the new responses in the ticket. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /multiban /multitimeout /multiwarn |
Action replies will now include a button linking to the moderation log entry for the action. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | Commands Only Channels Regex Only Channels Spoilers Only Channels |
Thread channels can now configurably inherit the enforcement settings of their parent channels. Check the dashboard to set this! |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /warn /kick /ban /role /softban /timeout /unban |
Action replies will now include a button linking to the moderation log entry for the action. |
UPDATED | Automoderator Media Detector Invite Detector |
Thread channels will now inherit the ignore/allow settings of their parent channels. |
REMOVED | /vote | Removed all vote/poll related features in favor of encouraging users to make use of the newly introduced, integrated Discord platform polls. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | Modmail Ticket Types | "Other" ticket type will now only be included in the list if no other ticket types exist. This will allow for configuration of a Ping on New ticket list, as well as a pre-submit message if necessary. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | clear | Implemented improved local security measures for data storage. |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | /remindme remove | Fixed an issue that would cause this command to fail outright. Now you can remove your reminders again! |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | /ban /unban /multiban /timeout /multitimeout /role /remindme /say /slowmode /vote /giveaway |
These commands will now all do a better job of parsing time variables to ensure proper inputs. |
UPDATED | /ticket | Ticket types will now be sorted alphabetically. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | /modmail assign /modmail close |
The target ticket may now be omitted to specify the ticket channel the command is being run in. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | /about | Now provides a link directly to the executing server's dashboard. |
UPDATED | clear | Removed all usages of discriminators across the application. Anywhere a discriminator was previously used, a username will now be present instead. |
REMOVED | /dehoist | Removed due to unreliability and infrequent usage. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | DM Alert Fields | Previously available only to Elemental's Patrons and supporters, these are now available to anyone using Elemental. Enjoy! |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | Modmail Replies | Messages with attachments will no longer send duplicates. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | Modmail Ticket Types | These may now be edited in the dashboard. |
UPDATED | Modmail Ticket Types (Auto Response) | This will now respond to the user whether a new ticket is started via /ticket or via a modmail button. |
FIX | /dmticket close | Fixed an issue that would cause the server-side modmail ticket channel to remain even after the ticket was closed. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | Auto Channels | Joining an auto channel parent too quickly will now notify you of the amount of time you must wait before creating a new auto channel. |
UPDATED | Channel Rules: Regex Only | Messages having no content (i.e. stickers, gifs, etc) will now *always* be flagged as failing to meet the regular expression check. |
UPDATED | Modmail Ticket Types (Auto Response) | Configurable in the dashboard, Modmail ticket types can now have per-ticket-type automated FAQ/help text sent to the user before they submit their ticket. This may be useful in case there are frequently asked questions or common replies that may answer a user's question before they need to continue to submit a modmail ticket. |
UPDATED | Modmail Ticket Types (Ping on New) | Configurable in the dashboard, Modmail ticket types can now have per-ticket-type roles set to be notified of new tickets under that type. |
FIX | Auto Channels | Previously, going directly from an auto channel to an auto channel parent would leave you in no-man's land and not create a new channel. This behavior has been fixed. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /modmail list my_tickets: Yes | Allows the listing of tickets that are assigned to you. |
NEW | Modmail Auto-Closing | Configurable in the dashboard, Modmail tickets can now be set to automatically close in a day after a set period of no activity. |
NEW | Modmail Channel Naming | Configurable in the dashboard, channels created for modmail tickets now have configurable naming schemes. |
UPDATED | /modmail info /modmail accept /modmail deny /modmail assign /modmail note /modmail close |
Now includes more useful outputs in the configured Modmail Updates channel. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | /reactionrole | Moved to "Utility" commands section. |
REMOVED | /joined | Removed as this information is now available on user profiles. |
REMOVED | /listemotes | Removed due to infrequent usage. |
REMOVED | /iam /iamnot /publicroles |
Removed in favor of Discord's new, native server onboarding area including self-assignment of roles. |
REMOVED | Automated Roles | These were previously configured via the Dashboard, but have been removed in favor of Discord's new, native server onboarding area including self-assignment of roles. |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | Log History user context menu item | Fixed an issue with formatting for the entry times |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | Regular Expressions Channel Rules (dashboard) | Regular Expressions channel rules settings may be found in your servers' dashboard page. Channel rules are specifications that may be applied to selected channels to restrict or allow certain types of content. In regex-only channels, only messages matching the specified regular expression may be sent. All messages not matching this expression will be deleted. (For more information on Regular Expressions see Regex 101) |
NEW | User Context Menus: + Notes List Notes |
Adding and listing user notes may now be done through the right-click (context) menus on a user. Replies to these actions will be ephemeral, so only the user executing the command will see them. |
NEW | /modmail note | Use within a modmail ticket channel to leave a note (not sent to the user) |
UPDATED | /modmail assign | Assigning a ticket to a role or user will now mention the user in the set Modmail updates channel |
UPDATED | /modmail info | Now includes the ticket type in the information |
UPDATED | /modmail list | Now allows for filtering by ticket type in addition to the ticket status |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | /dmticket | Adjusted API documentation descriptions to included proper prefixes. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /dmticket | Allows users to manage their Modmail tickets within DM! This replaces the old, text-based interactions previously used to interact with Modmail in DMs. |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | /modmail export | Fixed an issue that would cause exported ticket messages to be printed out of order from how they were sent. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | Automoderator Logs | Discord AutoMod actions will now be logged to users' loghistory entries, as well as the specified logs channel for Automated actions. |
UPDATED | Automoderator | The action taken against the user may now be adjusted between any of timeout, kick, or ban. The number of repeated flagged messages for action to be taken against a user may now be adjusted. The number of seconds to pass before "resetting" the count of repeated flagged messages may now be adjusted. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | Edit Logs Delete Logs |
Ignoring a Forum Thread or Channel Thread parent channel will now also ignore all threads created under it. |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | /remindme | Fixed an issue that would cause recurrance intervals to fail. |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | /kick | Fixed an issue where the supplied reason wouldn't be displayed in the response to the user running the command. |
FIX | Automoderator | Fixed an issue where text that was flagged against a plain text match would appear in the "full text" area of the log as having no spaces. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | Commands-Only Channel Rule | Channel rules settings may be found in your servers' dashboard page. Added "Commands Only" channel rule, which allows only messages that are slash commands. |
REMOVED | Raid Detector | Due to Discord's roadmap (FINALLY) for integrated raid detection, handling, and report tools, the raid detector is seeing its sunset. Farewell! |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | Channel Rules (dashboard) | Channel rules settings may be found in your servers' dashboard page. Channel rules are specifications that may be applied to selected channels to restrict or allow certain types of content. The first of these is the "Spoilers Only" channel rule, which allows only message content, embeds, or attachments that are posted using spoilers. |
NEW | /Vote => Added images | Votes posted via the dashboard may now include an image in the embedded post. Simply set the "Vote Image URL" field when creating a new vote. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | /loghistory /notes |
Updated to use embedded timestamps for new entry times. |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | /say | Fixed an issue that would cause say messages to fail if they were set to send with recurrence, but no delay. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /help | Command help information has been updated to support all slash command paths and descriptions. Commands names list will now allow auto-completion. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | /loghistory clear | Will now require a confirmation to continue. |
FIX | /reason | Fixed an issue where setting the reason would duplicate the embed fields and leave the embed color unset. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | /autochannel ban | Updated so that users with permissions higher than the author may not be kicked from the channel. |
REMOVED | /commands | Removed this command. |
FIX | /reason | Fixed an issue that would cause updated reasons to double the log embed content. |
FIX | clear | Fixed an issue that would cause message delete logs to not properly ignore indicated channels. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /role | Temporary role removals/additions will now inform the user of the duration of the change. |
UDPATED | /purge | Will now also remove the replies to slash commands and context menu commands. |
FIX | /multiwarn | Fixed an issue that would cause no warns to be issued if the No DM flag was set. |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | /purge | Fixed an issue that would cause the command to fail if the messages being retrieved were of specific message types |
FIX | /softban | Fixed an issue that would cause the command to fail if the server had reached the maximum number of invites available |
FIX | /ticket | Fixed an issue that would cause the command to fail if the server did not have modmail enabled |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | /timeout | Updated to timeout timestamps sent to the API to match the format Discord now seems to require |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | /lock | Fixed an issue that would cause a locked channel to remain locked if the lock notification message had been deleted in the channel |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | /notes | Fixed an issue that would cause list output to fail |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /role | Role assignment history will now be displayed in users' loghistory output |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /role | Now accepts temporary time input, reason, and no_dm settings for role additions and removals to be made temporary, with alerts being sent to the user |
NEW | /modmail close /modmail deny /ticket All related buttons |
Opening, closing, and denying a ticket will all provide a modal popup for gathering ticket information |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | Custom Commands | Custom commands now accept placeholders for their triggers and responses. That's it. Go check it out! |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /loghistory report | Replies with user info, full moderation history, and user notes in a combined report output for a given user |
NEW | clear | Patron tiers Aficionado and Devotee have been added for those of you using Elemental on tons and tons of servers... |
UPDATED | clear | All slash commands and context menu (right click) commands have been disabled for usage in DMs. This was already done in the code previously, but now it is set at the API level. |
UPDATED | clear | "Other" is now acceptable as a Modmail button type to be added. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | + Modmail Button - Modmail Button |
Added message context menu ("Apps", right click) commands for adding and removing clickable modmail ticket buttons |
UPDATED | "Google This Message" => "Google This" "Quote This Message" => "Quote This" "User Info" => "Information" |
Renamed some message and user context menus ("Apps", right click) for clarity |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | /quote | Quoted messages will now be sorted by their message IDs when being listed, retrieved, or added. |
FIX | /modmail assign | Will now properly allow for ticket assignment by a role and/or user. |
FIX | /info data emoji | Fixed an issue that would cause the command to be unresponsive if an external emoji was provided. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | Modmail Ticket Buttons | Right click on a message from Elemental to add a Modmail Ticket Button. These will allow users to open a ticket on the server with a specified, preset ticket title and ticket type. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | clear | All button and context menu (right-click) interactions will now do a better job checking for related Discord-side permissions as well as Elemental permission levels. |
REMOVED | clear | Server-wide, global "Level to Use" Elemental has been removed. All users will be able to use all commands they are set to be able to use within the Discord integration settings page. This does not apply to moderator (3+) level commands, which will still require roles to be set within the dashboard Roles Settings area. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | Raid Detector | Further messages posted after automated action is taken will be deleted, but no further replies will be added to the channel (reducing spam after the user is already being handled) |
FIX | Raid Detector | Fixed an issue that would cause false positives on messages containing embedded content. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | /say /remindme |
Minimum and maximum delay and recurrence times have been adjusted to range from 10 seconds to a full year. |
UPDATED | /automoderator new | Will now check to ensure that a flag is not a duplicate. |
FIX | /quote | Fixed an issue that would cause quotes to be listed in an order that did not reflect the "get" ordering. |
FIX | /avatar | Fixed typo in command description. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /vote | Vote results will now be dynamically updated over the course of the vote's duration. |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | /vipsettings | Fixed an issue that would cause no error reply to be sent if a supporter-tier VIP user tried to activate modmail. |
FIX | /multiban | Fixed an issue that would cause no users to be banned if the No DM flag was set. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /ban /timeout |
Temporary bans and timeouts will now make use of embedded time strings to better communicate to the user when they will be unbanned/no longer timed out. |
NEW | /ban /timeout |
Timeouts carried out through the built-in Discord menu will now send a standard Elemental alert embed to the user, if possible. |
NEW | /modmail | All modmail timestamps and dates will now make use of embedded time strings |
UPDATED | Many commands... | A couple commands have been set to defer their reply (Elemental is thinking...) to allow better time handling the response before Discord decides the interaction is "dead". |
UPDATED | Many commands... | Improved the process by which commands check to see if they're being run in a specified commands channel. |
UPDATED | /loghistory Log History Full |
Will now display the selected page number of log reason history. |
FIX | /dehoist | This should be in better shape / actually work now. |
FIX | /embed | Should now do a better job of handling errors properly and work more smoothly overall. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | Custom Commands Role Messages |
Now allow for a couple more placehold options when creating reply messages. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | Right Click -> Quote Message | Users with a quote role may now right click a message and use this context menu command to quote messages. |
UPDATED | /loghistory full Context Menu -> Log History |
Will now properly display in order of case numbers, and the "entry" text will be properly ordered as well. |
UPDATED | Edited Message Logs Deleted Message Logs |
These will now use more useful numbering. |
UPDATED | Giveaways Votes Prizedrops |
These will all now make use of interactions (select menus, buttons) to interface with the posted channel embeds. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | /ban /unban /softban /kick /timeout /warn /voicekick /voicemove /multiban /multikick /multitimeout /multiwarn |
These will all now do a better job of checking that the action may be taken against a user before attempting to execute |
UPDATED | /timeout | Improved the time option entry description to inform the user that they may provide "cancel" as an alternative to "0" |
UPDATED | Edit message logs | These will now once again include the original message content as well as the updated message content |
FIX | Edit + Deleted message logs | Logs of these types will now do a better job of posting only relevant (not ancient) messages being updated/removed. |
FIX | /unban | Fixed an issue that would cause an error if the target user was not already banned |
FIX | /ban | Fixed a typo in the ban time description |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /automoderator | Manages server automoderator flags. |
FIX | /avatar | Fixed an issue with grabbing the base avatar of a user who is not a member of the server. |
FIX | /nickname | Fixed an issue with clearing the username of a given user. |
FIX | Invite Detector | This was not working. It is now functioning as intended. |
FIX | /say | Fixed an issue with creating recurring say timers. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | clear | All updates from the last 12 months are now live. |
NEW | clear | Added User ID copy buttons to the responses to any moderation actions. |
UPDATED | Autochannels | Now kicks users from the parent voice channel if they try to make multiple autochannels within a short time period. |
FIX | /notes | Fixed an issue preventing multiple notes pages from being properly displayed. |
FIX | /quotes | Fixed an issue preventing quotes from being saved. |
FIX | clear | Fixed handle button on auto logs. |
FIX | Custom Commands | Fixed an issue stopping users from actually being mentioned in the custom command reply. |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | /loghistory | Fixed an issue that would cause a user's entry counts to not update properly. |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | /multiban | Fixed an issue that would cause non-server-members to be impossible to ban. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /notes | This command has been moved to slash command. Previously +log notes. |
NEW | /loghistory edit | This command has been moved to slash command. Previously +log edit. |
NEW | /modmail | Replies to user tickets while Modmail setting "Anonymous Staff" is enabled now have customizable "A Staff Member" text prepended to messages. This may be configured in the dashboard. |
NEW | /listtimers | Replies with a list of any ban, reminder, say, or lock timers currently running on the server. |
NEW | Custom Commands | Custom command replies and responses may now be set to auto-delete a short while after they've run. |
UPDATED | All moderation commands | All moderation commands which offer a case number will now properly store recorded events in the log attached to a user's /loghistory. This includes bans, unbans, kicks, timeouts, and more. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | /modmail | Improved some checks to be sure a user can receive DMs before accepting a ticket or doing other things. |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | /slowmode | Fixed issue where the output display of the current slowmode or a newly set slowmode would be rounded to the nearest minute, instead of showing the exact seconds value. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | /recentjoins | Now does a better job of filtering user joins. Also provides buttons for quickly banning all matched user IDs with your provided reason. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /ticket | This command will replace previously dm-based ticket creation process to allow users to open tickets with the server they run it on. |
NEW | /recentjoins | Searches for members who have recently joined (last 24 hours) based on search criteria. |
NEW | clear | All logging entries will now include a "Copy ID" button for quick target user ID access. |
NEW | clear | All automated moderation entries will now include a "Handled" button for indicating it has been taken care of. This will be made optional in the future. |
UPDATED | clear | All slash commands accepting a channel input will now restrict the options to only channels of the anticipated type. |
UPDATED | clear | All slash commands accepting an integer input will now restrict the input to any expected range. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /reactionrole | Completed migration of reaction roles to slash command format for Discord-side management |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /modmail blacklist | Added blacklist functionality paired with the ability to check if users are blacklisted and add or remove them from the blacklist via discord-based slash command. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | antiraid | Antiraid system now implements a queue system for handling problematic users to prevent unnecessary duplicate API calls. This will speed up antiraid response significantly during heavy spam. |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | /modmail accept | Accepting tickets will now ensure there's a properly set modmail category before accepting |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | Custom Commands | Custom Commands are once again functional and may be configured via the dashboard for use within the server. These will continue to function as regular chat-based commands with plain text responses. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | clear | Plain text logs will now be uniformly formatted for legibility and also include a posted timestamp from when they were created |
UPDATED | clear | Moderation actions which send a DM alert to the target user will now properly provide feedback to the executor in an ephemeral message if the user was not able to be contacted due to their privacy settings |
UPDATED | /nickname | Will now log with both the original nickname for the user and the new nickname for the user |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | clear | For the majority of logging capability available on Elemental, whether the logs are posted as an embed or as plain text may now be adjusted via the server's dashboard. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | Modmail | Maximum ticket settings cap has been raised to 40. If you attempt to accept a ticket while at the cap or while the parent category is at its Discord-channel-limit of 50, the ticket will not be accepted. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /timeout | Manages user timeouts |
NEW | /multitimeout (VIP) | Manages timeouts for multiple users at once |
UPDATED | /logshistory | Now includes timeout log history |
REMOVED | /mute /multimute |
Removed in favor of new Discord feature "Timeout" |
REMOVED | /mute +tictactoe |
clear |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /avatar | Added slash command flags to allow users to retrieve a user's server profile avatar as well as their base user avatar. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | automoderator | Now allows for specify roles to be tagged when a new flagged item entry is posted to the logs |
UPDATED | /softban | Now requires confirmation to run |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /softban | Removes recent user messages from all channels. A softban bans and immediately unbans a user in order to purge all of their recent messages. The user is sent a server invite automatically to allow them to rejoin. |
NEW | /loghistory /notes |
Now available as slash commands! Each of these are a piece of the previous chat command "+log". |
NEW | clear | Right click a user to bring up new application commands for context menus! |
NEW | /vote | Anonymous voting is now a toggleable option when creating a new vote. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /dehoist /modmail /dehoist |
These are now available as slash commands |
NEW | /vipsettings | Now available to manage VIP server features |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /vote | Now available as a slash command! |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /giveaway /autochannel |
Now available as a slash command! |
UPDATED | /giveaway /economy |
These features are now available to all Elemental users regardless of Patron/Partner status. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /iam /iamnot /publicroles |
Now available as a slash command! |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /remindme | Now available as a slash command! |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /purge /reason /unban /unmute |
Now available as slash commands! |
NEW | /clean bot_messages /clean bot_roles /clean role_members /clean channel_reactions /clean channel_messages |
Now available as slash commands! |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /kick /mute /multiwarn /multimute /multiban /info |
Now available as slash commands! |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /roulette /slots /lock /unlock /voicemove |
These are now available as slash commands |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /time /someone /slowmode /listroles /listemotes /listbots /embed |
These are now available as slash commands |
NEW | /commands /settings /utilities |
These commands have been added to allow for quick access to particular dashboard configuration pages |
UPDATED | /dashboard /documentation /invite /partners /server /setup /trello /vip /voting |
All of these have been updated to a new, cleaner message reply format |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /8ball /coinflip /cow /face /hug /lmgtfy /quote /roll /rps |
These are now available as slash commands |
UPDATED | /avatar /clean /getid /joined /membercount /nickname /permissions /ping /role /say /settings /ban /voicekick /warn |
Background changes related to input processing from user input on Discord side |
UPDATED | /joined +info |
Now displays timestamp information using new timestamp format |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +mediadetector | Now allows for whitelisted URLs |
NEW | +invitedetector | Now allows for specifying whitelisted invites and allowing all invites from the server this setting is for |
UPDATED | +alias | This feature is no longer VIP-exclusive |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +invitedetector | Added settings to specify what user properties are checked for invites, whitelisted invites, checking user properties for invites on server join, and more |
NEW | +automoderator | Added settings to specify what user properties are checked for flagged words, checking user properties for flagged words on server join, and more |
NEW | +raiddetector | Added settings to specify how long an account must be on the server before it is no longer considered "new" |
RENAMED | +deleteinvites => +invitedetector +deletemedia => +mediadetector +antiraid => +raiddetector |
Renamed for clarity |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +modmail deny +modmail close |
Now accepts the --noDM modifier, which executes the action without sending a DM alert to the user. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +joined | Now includes some helpful text about exactly how long ago the user's join date was. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | clear | Update back-end structures to better handle partial data received from the API |
UPDATED | clear | Introduced new back-end handlers for Discord-permissions-related features and commands |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +roleauto | If a server makes use of membership screening (rules screen etc), Elemental will not automatically assign the user their roles until they've accepted the screen process |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | /permission /role /say |
These commands are now available as slash commands! |
UPDATED | +elevation -> +permissions | Renamed for clarity. This command may still be accessed by the aliases +elevation, +perm, and +perms |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +dashboard --beta | Now available to provide a link to Elemental Beta's dashboard |
NEW | /avatar /clean /getid /joined /membercount /nickname /snipe |
These commands are now available as slash commands! |
NEW | /about /dashboard /documentation /invite /partners /server /setup /trello /vip /voting |
These commands are now available as slash commands! |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +slash enable/disable |
Manages whether slash commands as a whole are enabled on the server |
NEW | /anonymous /antiraid /ban /help /love /ping /settings |
These commands are now available as slash commands! Use +slash enable to get them going on your server! |
FIX | +dmalertfield | Fixed an issue that would cause DM Alert Fields not to be properly added to the DM notification. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +multiwarn | Warns multiple server members at once (Requires logs channel to be set) |
UPDATED | clear | Updated Elemental's coding framework, allowing for usage of the latest Discord API features and functions. |
UPDATED | clear | Tons and tons of background improvements and changes for increased efficiency. |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +mute | Fixed an issue that would cause untimed mutes not to be re-applied if a user left and rejoined the server. |
FIX | +multimute | Fixed some wording on temporary mutes. Fixed an issue that would cause temporary mutes to not be applied. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +modmail export modmail accept modmail deny modmail close modmail assign modmail history modmail info |
Will now accept ticket ID with or without # preceding the ticket number |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +modmail history | Re-enabled during transitional period. +modmail export should be used instead, moving forward. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +modmail export | Allows for exporting the history and information of a modmail ticket to a hastebin entry |
UDPATED | +say | Now adjusted to re-allow for mentioning everyone in a say message. |
UDPATED | +purge | Made changes to format of hastebin output of purged messages |
REMOVED | +modmail history | Removed. Use +modmail export, now. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +purge | Purge logs uploaded to the Elemental hastebin will now require sign-in via a Discord account to ensure the user requesting access has moderator permissions or above on the server the log was generated by. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +remindme | Now allows for hourly, X hours, and X minutes reminder intervals specification |
NEW | +say | Now allows for weekly, daily, hourly, X days, X hours, and X minutes say intervals specification |
FIX | +modmail enable +modmail disable |
Fixed an issue that would cause newly enabled modmail servers to not be properly marked in the database |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +lock +unlock +multimute +mute +unmute +voicemove +voicekick |
All moderation/utility actions performed by these commands will now include information on the user who ran the command, in the server Audit Logs |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +settings | Permissions Level: 4 -> 3 |
FIX | clear | Fixed issues with VIP activation and related features that arose this morning |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +say | Fixed an issue that would cause a message not to be posted in the specified channel (Thanks ToxicSalt!) |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +autochannel | Fixed an issue that would cause channel creation to fail if the parent auto channel was not within a category channel |
FIX | +linkedroles | Updated command example to match usage |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +togglevip | Fixed an issue with disabling VIP/Modmail which was enabled by someone else |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | linkedroles list page-# linkedroles add target-role any/all required-role(s) linkedroles remove target-role/list-# trigger-role linkedroles clear |
Manages linked roles, which are additionally added when a trigger role is added |
NEW | +clearrole role |
Removes all server members from a role |
NEW | +clean --reactions -> +clearreactions #-of-recent-messages |
Removes all reactions from up to 30 recent channel messages |
NEW | +clean --roles -> +clearbotroles | Removes all automatically generated bot roles from the server |
FIX | +ban | Fixed an issue that would cause rapid, back-to-back bans to respond slowly |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +togglevip list page-# +togglevip add server-id +togglevip remove server-id/list-# |
Allows for the management of VIP activations |
UPDATED | +customcommand | Custom commands may now be set up to permission level 4 |
UPDATED | +log note | Now has a character cap of 1000 |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +log history @user remove --keepmessage | When removing a log entry from a user with log history, this will keep the physical log message from being deleted automatically |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +automoderator | Command help notes now includes a link to regex101, a helpful learning site for regular expressions |
UPDATED | +modmail | When selecting a ticket type on ticket creation, the user may now select by list # or by the name of the ticket type |
FIX | +autochannel add | Fixed an issue that would cause channel names to include "0" if "0" was provided as the user limit |
FIX | +ban | Fixed an issue that would cause the ban reason to include "0" if "0" was provided for the purge day amount |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +modmail | Fixed an internal issue with modmail ticket channel information storage |
FIX | +custompermission | Fixed an issue that would cause removal of a custom permission by list # to fail (thanks Dexter Dog! |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +modmail enable | Now allows for $10+/mo patrons to enable modmail themselves |
UPDATED | +multimute +multiban |
Time to supply a reason increased to 60 seconds (from 10) |
FIX | clear | When sending a DM to elemental while a ticket is selected, "help" will now trigger the help menu as expected. This behavior matches the other DM commands available. |
FIX | clear | Modmail messages sent in DM will no longer truncate long messages. Instead, they will now be sent as two continuous, back to back messages on the server side. This has also been updated for server to DM responses. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +lock | Removed requirement for command user to have the "Manage Channels" permissions through their Discord permissions. As long as a user has permission level 3, they will be able to use the command. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +custompermission | Manages custom permission levels required for member to execute a command |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +lock | No longer requires a time to lock a given channel |
UPDATED | +modmail list --closed | Now sorts from the most recent ticket to the oldest ticket |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +purge | Now ignores pinned messages when doing a plain message purge |
UPDATED | +info user | Now includes an @mention of the user which may be clicked if the user is cached on your Discord client |
FIX | +lock | Fixed an issue that would cause the incorrect channel to be referenced to lock |
FIX | +log note | Fixed an issue with log clears/removes not being properly run or logged in the server |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +rolereact remove | Fixed an issue that would cause the command to not recognize the specified role reactor to remove if a channel was specified. (Thanks theDoctor!) |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +reason | Fixed an issue that would cause the command to fail if the physical log for the referenced case number was deleted. |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +modmail | Fixed an issue that would cause multiline modmail messages to not be sent properly in the server-side channel. |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | clear | Fixed an issue that would cause cross-server/DM (modmail, etc) messages not to send as expected. (Thanks HeadOpener!) |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +reason | Added support for adding/removing/updating both reasons and log image attachments |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +ban +kick +log +multiban +multimute +mute +unban +unmute +warn |
All moderation commands will now accept an attached image to be included with the server-side logs post! |
UPDATE | clear | Updated a ton of internal handlers for logging both internally and for servers |
FIX | +prizedrop | Fixed a typo in the usage examples (thanks ToxicSalt!) |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +antiraid 0 | Will now behave the same as running +antiraid disable |
UPDATED | +prizedrop | Claiming prizes may only be done once per hour per user |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +log list | This has been re-added to allow for listing user log counts without showing their full log history, as requested |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | clear | Added support for Discord's new SLASH COMMANDS |
NEW | /love /help /ping |
Added slash commands. These behave almost exactly as their standard command counterparts. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +say channel delay time <message> |
You may now provide a delay time for a message to be posted after |
NEW | +say list +say remove +say clear |
Allows for managing delayed +say messages |
NEW | +giveaway channel delay time ... |
You may now provide a delay time for a giveaway to be posted after |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +help command --ext |
Will display extended help output for commands. Now includes helpful notes about some commands. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +log history | This is now available to all Elemental servers, not just VIP servers |
REMOVED | +log list | This will now reference +log history, as +log history includes an extended version of +log list |
FIX | +linkedaccess | Fixed an issue on the code side with permissions naming references |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +say edit channel message-ID content |
Edits content of a message sent by Elemental |
UPDATED | clear | Updated internal functions for retreiving total server counts, total member counts, all servers, and all channels across Elemental's process shards. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +setup | Provides link to dashboard-based server setup page |
REMOVED | +botlock +botunlock |
This feature has been removed due to lack of usage |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +giveaway extend list-# time-to-extend-by |
Allows for extending running giveaways by a given amount of time from their current finish time |
UPDATED | +giveaway |
Max time for new giveaway is now 90 days |
UPDATED | +prizedrop |
Max time for new prizedrop is now 90 days |
UPDATED | +remindme |
Max time for new reminder is now 365 days |
UPDATED | +vote |
Max time for new vote is now 90 days |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +dmalertfields | Manages custom DM alert fields for different moderation actions |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +autochannel add --sortlast | When included in the channel name, newly made channels will be sorted to the bottom of the parent category |
NEW | +mm assign <ticket-#/list-#/channel> <user/role> | Allows a user or role to be given access to a specified ticket channel |
UPDATED | +mm new | Now immediately starts the ticket creation process |
FIX | +remind | Fixed an issue with setting non-recurring reminders that would cause the reminder text to be undefined (thanks ent!) |
FIX | +info | Fixed an issue that would cause the command output to break when referencing a server voice channel |
FIX | clear | Fixed an issue that would cause weird channel renaming when leaving an autochannel with a custom name variable |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +automoderator | Fixed an issue that would cause --ignores to not properly ignore |
FIX | +multiban | Fixed an issue that would cause users not to receive a reason in the DM alert embed |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +remindme -> +remindme add | New command path to add new reminders |
NEW | +remindme add <time> <message> --daily +remindme add <time> <message> --weekly +remindme add <time> <message> --Xdays |
Now allows for timers to occur at automatic intervals from the time they first run |
NEW | +remindme remove +remindme clear |
Allows for the removal/clearing of pending reminders |
NEW | +prizedrop remove +remindme clear |
Allows for the removal/clearing of pending prize drops |
UPDATED | +prizedrop -> +prizedrop add | New command path to add new prize drops |
NEW | +vote list | Lists running votes |
NEW | +vote finish <list> | Allows for finishing votes by list # |
UPDATED | +vote -> +vote add | New command path to add new votes |
NEW | +giveaway finish <list> | Allows for finishing giveaways by list # |
UPDATED | +giveaway -> +giveaway add | New command path to add new giveaways |
UPDATED | clear | Upgrade timers management system for increased efficiency and improved performance |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +deletelinks -> +deletemedia | Renamed for clarity |
REMOVED | +autonickname | This feature has been removed due to lack of usage |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +modmail accept | Updated to allow ticket number input with or without a hashtag |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +autochannel | When autochannel name modifiers are present, created channels do not include a channel number at the end |
Type | Command | Description |
REMOVED | +taggable | Discord now allows for tagging all roles as a permission, so command is no longer useful. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW UPDATED or FIX | +modmail accept | Fixed an issue that would cause the ticket author to be displayed incorrectly |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +multimute | Mutes multiple server members at once |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +autochannel add [audio quality in kbps] | Now allows for specifying autochannel bitrates of up to your server's maximum amount |
NEW | +autochannel add [subchannel-name] | Now allows for variable inputs that will be replaced with information of created sub-channel's owner |
UPDATED | +automessage | Now leaves informative reply in the channel if there is a current automessage set (so you can read it without it being deleted) |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +automoderator add something --ignore | Allows for ignoring given exact matches. Anything matching this input will be ignored when checking messages, even if it matches another flag |
REMOVED | +automoderator add something --var | Variables are no longer supported in automoderator flags |
FIX | +info --voicecount | Fixed an issue with help text showing when run instead of info being displayed as expected |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +modmail | All logs posted to the specified modmail updates channel now display uniform information including the author, ticket ID, and any further relevant information on the posted log. |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +rolereact list | Fixed an issue that would cause the total page count to display incorrectly (Thanks HeadOpener!) |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +info --voicecount | Displays total count of members in voice channels |
NEW | +info --server | Displays information about server |
MOVED | +serverinfo | Now available at +info --server |
FIX | +alias | Fixed a typo in the help text (thanks, Shira!) |
FIX | +lmgtfy | Fixed an issue that would cause the first word of the google search to be omitted |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | clear | Brand new back-end for statistics and monitoring, allowing for special server statistics in the future |
UPDATED | clear | Further improvements to how Elemental schedules and stores backups of its configurations and data sets |
FIX | clear | A couple small bug fixes while beta testing |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +autochannel | Fixed an issue that would cause parent autochannels to renamed upon new autochannel creations when the parent channel names were identical to the child channels being created |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +antiinvite +automoderator |
Automoderator and Antiinvite will now more effectively check users for flagged content whenever they post messages |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | clear | Improvements to how Elemental backs up configurations and server settings |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +rolereact | Separated rolereact from public roles on all fronts. Role reactors may now be created without adding the roles to the publicroles list. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +automoderator +deletelinks +deleteinvites +antiraid +logsdelete +logsedit |
Logs will now include all message content as well as any attachments |
UPDATED | clear | Cleaned up many background logging-related functions for improved efficiency |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +autochannel ban | Updated to allow multiple users to be provided at once |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +remindme list | Lists all pending reminders |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +deleteinvites | Will now send a log of the deleted message to the specified "logsauto" location |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +clean --reactions (VIP) | Removes all message reactions from messages within a specified range (2-30), in a channel |
UPDATED | clear | Cleaned up a lot of background processes and laid down groundwork for near-future updates in the works |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +automessage | Now provides the currently set automessage when the command is run without input, if one is set. |
UPDATED | +modmail | Cleaned up some wording to make the process of closing tickets more clear (thanks, entertainment!) |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +reason | Fixed an issue that would cause reason update to fail if the command was run outside of the logs channel |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +love [user] | What's your chance of love? |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +rolemessages | Added list of modifiers which will be replaced with their related information when the role message is posted. You may view these modifiers in the documentation, or with +help rolemessages |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +rolemessage | Fixed an issue that would cause all role messages to send on all role additions |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +autochannel ban | Now allows permission level 3 users to use even when not the owner of the auto voice channel |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +rolemessages | Manages role messages, which are automatically sent when a trigger role is added |
UPDATED | +logsdelete | This previously ignored deleted messages which were Elemental commands. This is no longer the case, and it will now log deleted commands as well. |
UPDATED | +autochannel | +autochannel ban may now be used by server members as long as they own an auto voice channel and are not at a blacklisted permission level |
UPDATED | +remindme | Removed alias "rm", as "+rolemessages" has been added |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +modmail | Fixed an issue that would cause pinged role list to not correctly register with Discord as role mentions Applied timers to allow category name updating once every five minutes |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +autochannel banning enable/disable | Allows auto channel creators to ban specified server members from joining their voice channel |
UPDATED | +economy | Added examples to help documentation |
UPDATED | +autochannel | To comply with updates to rate limits on channel name/description updates, autochannel children numbering will only be updated every 10 minutes, at the least. |
FIX | clear | Fixed an issue that would cause some reaction-based commands to fail, such as rolereact and rolepublic react |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +modmail | Direct message help menu now shows helpful information in bolded text. Increased ticket creation sections timeout to 1 minute, 30 seconds |
FIX | +modmail | Fixed an issue that would cause accepted ticket backlog messages to "skip" images that were sent before ticket was accepted (Thanks, Dexter!) |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +clean roles +dehoist |
Now confirms action with user prior to carrying out the command's action |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +autochannels | Now makes use of short timers more effectively manage auto channels |
FIX | +slowmode | Fixed an issue that would cause clearing slowmode timers to fail |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +deleteinvites | Now specifies what exactly flags the anti-invite system when a user triggers it |
FIX | +ban +mute |
Fixed an issue that would cause commands to fail if no time was provided |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +modmail | Fixed an issue that would cause servers receiving modmail on certain shards to not receive any channel updates or ticket messages (Thanks, Hunting Grounds peeps!) |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +dehoist | Finds and nicknames any server members with names that sort above the letter A |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | clear | All log messages will now attempt to send via channel webhooks |
NEW | +logsusername (VIP) | Specifies channel for logging username changes |
UPDATED | clear | Logs of any kind now have a unqiue emoji paired with them |
UPDATED | +vip | Added alias "+kofi" |
FIX | clear | Fixed an issue with +reason that would cause the target log to not be found Fixed an issue with giveaway entries |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +dashboard | Now includes a link to the dashboard of the server this is run on if the user has permission level 3 or above |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +autochannel | Users who repeatedly join autochannels will now just be disconnected from the channel until their timeout has passed |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +modmail | Now displays mailbox on category when tickets are waiting Now allows for ticket titles of up to 100 characters |
UPDATED | +voicemove | Now accepts voice channel name or ID |
UPDATED | +autochannel | Now additionally accepts voice channel name part to specify added channel |
FIX | +modmail | Fixed an issue causing roles to not actually be mentioned |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +antiraid | Adjusted matching algorithms to accept wider margin of matches |
UPDATED | +modmail | Accepted tickets are now automatically selected on the DM side DM list function now displays info on how to select a ticket Ticket creation now allows for specifying a server by name or list # |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +logsstatus | Specifies channel for logging member status updates (disabled by default, 150 or less server members only) |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +antiraid | Now includes current antiraid level upon running command with no arguments (for drimmalor) |
FIX | +autochannel | Fixed an issue that was causing channels to fail to be created due to recent framework update |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +customcommand | Fixed an issue with listing custom commands that would cause pages over a character limit to not display at all. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +deletelinks | Adjusted text and channel list output for responses to removed media |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +prizedrop list | Now displays target drop channel |
UPDATED | +modmail close | Now allows for closing by channel (thanks entertainment!) |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW (BETA) | +modmail | Added ability to react to new ticket notifications to either accept or deny a ticket +modmail history now allows for supplying "cancel" to cancel |
UPDATED | +modmail | Now sends easy-to-read information on how to use modmail if sent a DM |
UPDATED | +prizedrop | Elemental now supplies the initial drop reaction |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +prizedrop | Creates and manages prize drops in the server |
FIX | clear | Updated timer management functions on the back-end for increased function and efficiency |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +linkroles | Manages linked roles, which are additionally added when a trigger role is added |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +say | This command has been made vip-only |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +say | Removed command due to issues with abuse + responsibility for content. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +anonymous | Manages whether staff members are identified in moderation DM alerts |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED (BETA) | +modmail accept | Now posts ticket title and ID in created ticket channel (Thanks, entertainment720) |
FIX (BETA) | +modmail accept | Fixed an incorrect user tag reference (Thanks, Freeloading) |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW (BETA) | +modmail deny <id/list-#/user> [reason][ | Added denying tickets by author (Thanks, Adam) |
UPDATED | clear | Streamlined list functions across all Elemental functions and features Adjust dm new wait time to 60 seconds (Thanks, slightly nervous cat) |
FIX (BETA) | +modmail | Fixed a bug that would cause users to be locked out of using modmail dm functions (Thanks Sable^^, slightly nervous cat, entertainment720, Adam) Fixed a typo (Thanks, slightly nervous cat) |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW (BETA) | +modmail | Completed modmail ticket types Completed modmail ticket submission role pings |
FIX | clear | Bux fixes and improvements |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW (BETA) | +modmail | Added modmail ticket types and carried out basic testing with test server members |
UPDATED | clear | Updated databases clean functions to keep Elemental clutter-free |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW (BETA) | +modmail | Completed dm-to-server channel linking process and added accepting of waiting tickets Completed server-to-dm channel linking process Added selection of tickets in DM Completed all remaining back-end features necessary to run modmail |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW (BETA) | +modmail | Added basic structure and completed basic command function handlers for another 5 server-facing modmail sub-commands Added user blacklisting |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +log history | Now shows complete list of action counts taken against users, to save from having to use two separate commands to see these counts |
UPDATED | +antiinvite | Now checks user activity statuses for invites Now kicks users upon joining if they are flagged by antiinvite |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED (BETA) | +modmail | Added basic structure for further Discord-facing commands and completed basic command function handlers for an additional 5 modmail sub-commands |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +logsdelete | Now includes date the deleted message was originally posted |
UPDATED | +slots +roulette |
Adjusted modifier names for uniformity |
UPDATED (BETA) | +modmail | Added basic structure for Discord-facing commands and completed basic command function handlers |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW (BETA) | +modmail | Completed back-end setup of modmail databases, functions, and information management features |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | clear | Created custom solution for Giveaway entrant storage, to allow for more flexibility in the future in how giveaways are handled |
UPDATED | clear | Updated how timers are stored in the database |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +reason | Fixed an issue where if the logs channel was not set, it would not find the log even if the log was located in the current channel or found via the log history |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +giveaway list | Lists active giveaways |
UPDATED | +giveaway | Updated how giveaway entrants are stored. This will keep everything running nice and smoothly on Elemental's side of things. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | clear | Anyone may now edit existing messages to run commands as if the command was sent in a new message. |
UPDATED | +info | Updated to include information on when a user last messaged, total log history count, custom statuses, current voice channel, and nitro boost status |
FIX | clear | Fixed an issue that would cause commands which are required to be run in a specified channel to run incorrectly if no input was supplied |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +multiban stars | Permanently bans multiple members from the server at once and clears their recent message history |
NEW | +encode | Encodes text (binary by default) |
UPDATED | All moderation commands | Adjusted previously printed "[SILENT]" to now print "[NO DM]" to reflect the updates to the modifier for no DM's upon moderation action |
FIX | +antiraid stars | Fixed an issue that would cause embeds being shown on a message to be removed as if it were repeated content |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +log | Removed residual, unused example from the command documentation. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | clear | All commands with a destructive operation (for example, "+quotes clear") will now ask to confirm that the command should be carried out |
NEW | +mute create | Added +mute create, which will automatically set up a mute role and apply necessary permissions to all server text channels for text mutes |
UPDATED | +mute | Moved specifiying text or voice mutes to --options modifiers |
Type | Command | Description |
UDPATED | All informational commands | Any of the "Elemental" commands category commands will now also send requested information to users if they react to the envelope that Elemental reacts with for Elemental category command messages. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +rolepublic react +rolereact add |
Updated to indicate how to add role as a public role, if the target role is not already a public role (Thanks JorPorCor and ToxicSalt) |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +rolereact (VIP) | Manages role reactors for the server |
UPDATED | +quote | Tidied up quote list output by placing link on the quote texts, instead of its own "[Jump!]" link |
UPDATED | +donate => +vip | Updated naming for clarity |
UPDATED | +rolepublic react | This still exists and is available to all Elemental users, but will now also notify users of the more customizable +rolereact being available to VIP servers |
FIX | +economy (VIP) | Fixed a small typo in some help text |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +hug | Fixed an old method reference. Hugs may be properly sent now |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +mute | Fixed an issue that was causing the command to not resolve user mentions or IDs |
FIX | +reason | Fixed an issue that would cause Elemental to not look in the logs channel for a valid log embed to update |
FIX | +elevation | Fixed an issue that would cause Elemental to resolve an incorrect highest role permission if members had both a recruit and member ranked role at the same time |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +roulette +slots |
Added --global and --g modifiers. When used with the leaderboard, will display the global leaderboard instead of the server leaderboard |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +getid | Added modifier "--server", which gets the ID of the server |
FIX | +publicrole | Fixed an issue related to out-of-date property references (thanks Monkey!) |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +warn +mute +unmute +kick +ban +unban |
Added --noLog option, which performs the moderation action without creating a log channel entry on the server |
UPDATED | +warn +mute +unmute +kick +ban +unban |
--silent options has been updated to --noDM, for clarity |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +purge #channel --all | Completely removes all messages from a channel, including pins and server messages (NON-RECOVERABLE and WILL REMOVE ANY OF THIS CHANNEL/LOG'S SETTINGS ON ELEMENTAL) |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +log history (VIP) | Allows access to detailed log of all logs stored for a user. Reasons may be updated simultaneously with +reason, to update both a log channel entry embed and the internal +log history reason. |
UPDATED | +quote | Quotes will now be searchable by author ID as well as author tag, and will also provide a link to the quoted message |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +logsrole | Now logs the names of all roles added, even if they are added in bulk |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +autochannel | Now allows for "0" as a room size, to create autochannels without a user limit |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +rolepublic react | Blacklisted users (permission level -1) will not be able to react to receive roles |
UPDATED | +roleauto | Updated command description to be more clear as to what it does |
UPDATED | +time | Added BST as an alias for Europe/London |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +economy | Manages server economy settings |
NEW | clear | Added in-house hastebin hosting solution for holding text documents, including logs of purged messages |
UPDATED | clear | Updated a ton of back-end function and property definitions to clean up things on our end |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +rolepublic Literally every +role setting |
Updated to properly allow for using "everyone" as a role input, instead of having to mention everyone |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +settings | Added category "Moderation" and moved some server settings to be displayed under this instead of "General", to clean up |
FIX | clear | Fixed a typo present when a command would fail to run (thanks, Drimmalor) |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | clear | Fixed an issue that could cause temporary bans and mutes to not properly fire if the same user was temporarily muted or banned on one server, then additionally temporarily muted or banned in another server. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +log note @user remove # | Allows for removing specific user notes |
UPDATED | +log note | Now includes the date the note was created |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +giveaway +vote |
Now mentions channel an embed was not found in |
UPDATED | remindme | Now available only to Elemental VIP servers |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +logsrole | Updated log embed styling |
UPDATED | +giveaway | Updated embed styling and command interactions to be cleaner and more slim |
UPDATED | +vote | Updated embed styling and improved back-end functionality |
UPDATED | clear | Updated moderation logs to make use of a user mention, rather than a user#tag, for ease of interaction |
FIX | clear | Fixed issue with grabbing top user votes at the end of each month |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +say | Fixed an issue that would cause messages to be improperly truncated if a channel was not specified, but instead supplied later in the message |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +quote list user#0000 | Added list search function to allow for grabbing all quotes under a given user tag |
NEW | +customprefix | Added +prefix as an alias |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +vote | Fixed an issue where vote totals would not be counted correctly. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +slowmode | Updated to allow 0-6hr slowmode range for channels |
FIX | +customcommand | Fixed an issue that could allow commands named with capital letters not to be able to run |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +customcommand | Adjusted the "customcommand list" output to truncate response listings (thanks, Drimmalor and Entertainment) |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +warn +mute +kick +ban +unmute +unban |
Added a more obvious text indication of when the commands are executed with the "--silent" modifier. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +autochannel | Updated some things about how Elemental names, organizes, and manages automated child channels |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +autochannel | Manages automated voice channels |
UPDATED | +linkvoice -> +linkaccess | Renamed for clarity |
FIX | clear | Fixed an issue that was causing dashboard invite links to break |
FIX | clear | Fixed an order of operations issue with list-type channel setup commands |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +linkvoice | Manages voice channels in which users are automatically allowed access to a given text channel |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +kickpermission | Sets what role permission is required in order to use the kick command |
NEW | +logsrole | Specifies channel for logging role updates (disabled by default) |
UPDATED | +kick | Notifies user whether they are missing the kick or ban role permission based on +kickpermission setting |
UPDATED | +settings | Added link to the server dashboard at the top of the embeds. Also added specific links for certain setting values. |
UPDATED | +serverinfo | Added "categories" count. Also split up voice and text channel listing. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +listroles | Sends a list of all the roles in the server |
NEW | clear | Join logs will now display [NEW ACCOUNT] next to the user's name if the account was created in the past 24 hours |
UPDATED | +emotes -> +listemotes | Renamed to match other utilties names |
UPDATED | +logsupdate | Fixed alias typo |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | clear | Antiraid and related automated functions will no longer remove duplicated messages that are really just messages updating to include a link embed or related embedded material. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +avatar --server | Gets the icon of the server |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +bird | Gets a bird picture |
NEW | +fox | Gets a fox picture |
NEW | +chameleon | Gets a chameleon picture |
NEW | +raccoon | Gets a raccoon picture |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +log note | Added to allow management of notes for a given user |
UPDATED | +customcommand | No longer a VIP-only command, as it's not really a core function of Elemental anyways |
UPDATED | clear | Moved around a lot of functions in the background to make things a little easier to work on |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +hamster | Gets a hamster picture |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +reason | Now attempts to update log reasons in set logs channel no matter what channel the command is run from |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +ferret | Gets a ferret picture |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +slowmode | Fixed an issue that would cause the command to not properly grab the issued time interval |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +rps | Play a good old game of rock paper scissors against Elemental |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +remindme | Fixed an issue that would cause reminders not to send due to a typo |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +reason | Fixed an issue that would cause the command to run incorrectly if no reason was provided |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +info | Now allows for specifying what type of server item a given query should return |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +joined | Displays server join date for a given member |
FIX | +customcommand +log |
Fixed an issue causing 0 to not be accepted as a valid permission level / edit amount |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +log | Placed a cap on edited counts |
UPDATED | +warn +mute +kick +ban +unban +log |
Trimmed down reasons in the channel reply to keep things neater |
FIX | +customcommand | Fixed an issue that would make it impossible to set command permissions to 0 |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | clear | Removed a project dependency which fetches images from reddit and replaced it with a local solution for snappier responses |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +emote | Fixed an issue that would cause Elemental to post only the :name: of emotes, instead of the actual emote. This was due to improper caching |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | clear | Removed a project dependency which converted strings in a particular manner and replaced it with a local solution for snappier responses |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +channelbotpublic -> +channelbot | Renamed for simplicity and now supports a list of channels (managed the same way as the +rolepermission commands) in which commands may be used |
NEW | +iam and +iamnot | Now accepts a "list" argument (+iam list) which is simply an alias for +rolepublic list |
NEW | +remindme | Creates timed reminders |
UPDATED | +channelmedia | Now supports a list of channels (managed the same way as the +rolepermission commands) in which media commands may be used and +deletelinks will allow media in |
UPDATED | +rolepublic react | Now silently adds or removes roles, instead of providing a confirmation DM. Errors with adding roles still DM/message the user as before. |
UPDATED | clear | Updated any member-or-below level commands to make sure they're being used in a specified bot commands channel |
FIX | +vote | Fixed an issue that would allow members to post votes in any channel they could tag, even if they weren't allowed to send messages there |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +customcommand | Adjusted permission level to use various parts of this command from 4 to 3 |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +voicekick | Fixed an issue that would allow the command to be run, but wouldn't do anything, if the tagged member was not a member of the server anymore |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | clear | Any commands which assign a role will now check to make sure that Elemental's highest role is above the role being assigned and notify you if it is not |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | clear | @Elemental may now be used as a universal prefix alongside any custom server prefix |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +ignore | Now allows for ignoring raid behavior in specified channels, along with the existing options |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +slowmode | Now allows for more flexible number input, accepting any numbers it finds as a seconds count |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +ignore's automoderator option | Ignoring automoderator actions in a channel now includes both antiraid and automoderator flags |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +snake | Gets a snake picture |
UPDATED | +membercount | Updated permission level 3 -> 2 |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +someone | Gets one or more random server members |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +iam +iamnot |
Updated to allow for selecting a role based on its number position in +rolepublic list |
FIX | +iam +iamnot |
Fixed an issue that would not allow public roles to be taken if there were a TON of them (thanks, Silver + Aki!) |
FIX | +purge +clean |
Fixed an issue that would cause the delete count to not properly register if purging a specified channel with +purge channel-mention #-to-purge |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +purge | Updated to allow for purging messages from users which are no longer a member of the server |
UPDATED | +info | Updated to show permissions for role information |
UPDATED | +giveaway +vote |
Updated to show time that the giveaway/vote is open *until*, rather than how long it is open from its creation |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +antiraid | Updated to check new users within a week's time, and updated how Elemental checks messages |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +customprefix | Now allows for a prefix 1-2 characters in length |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +logsconnect +logsdisconnect |
Fixed an issue that would cause Elemental to log more than simply connects and disconnects, when it came to voice channel states (thanks, Bleb!) |
FIX | +giveaway +vote |
Fixed an issue that would cause Elemental to be unable to properly edit a completed vote or giveaway posting if an update to the bot was pushed in between the vote/giveaway's posting and completion |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +automoderator | Fixed an issue that could cause the command to remain unresponsive and fail to remove a specified ignore if the channel specified was not the one the command was run in. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +antiraid | Enables / disables for adjustably, automatically banning members involved in coordinated raid behavior |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +ban +unban +mute +unmute +lock +taggable +giveaway +vote |
Updated to accept timing input VERY flexibly without comprimising the functionality |
UPDATED | +automoderator | Added usage examples |
FIX | +giveaway | Fixed a typo in the DM messaging (thanks, Bleb!) |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +giveaway VIP |
Added an input option, whitelist, to allow for restricting a giveaway to only members with a given role |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +logsconnect +logsdisconnect |
Specifies channels for logging voice channel connects and disconnects (disabled by default) |
NEW | +logsedit | Specifies channel for logging message edits (disabled by default) |
NEW | +quote react enable/disable |
Added to allow for controlling whether reacting to messages with a star will save the message to the quotes list |
UPDATED | +logsedit => +logsupdate | Updated for clarity. Specifies channel for logging updates to user logs with +log (Disabled by default) |
UPDATED | +settings | Updated to reflect the above new and updated commands |
UPDATED | +ignore | Updated to allow for ignoring message edits in specified channels |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +roulette +slots |
Updated to display how much time is left before the next time you can play the game |
UPDATED | +slots | Now allows you to claim daily electrons once a day, rather than every 24 hours |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +giveaway VIP |
Creates and manages giveaways in the server |
UPDATED | +slots | Adjusted payouts, possible results, and more |
FIX | +vote | Fixed something that could spawn the potential for votes to break |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +voicemove channel-name --scatter |
Moves channel members from the target channel to random channels |
NEW | +slots | Start with some money and see how fast you double it or lose it |
UPDATED | +help | Now displays usage examples for commands that provide them |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +ban +mute |
Now checks for whether a user is banned/muted already or not and gives information on how to update timers if they are |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | clear | Updated any command which needs to DM users to make sure that the DM will send successfully, first, and notify if this is not the case |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +mute +unmute |
Members who are disconnected from a voice channel at the time they are voice muted or unmuted will now be automatically muted or unmuted the next time they join a voice channel |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +clean roles | New utility to allow you to easily clean up any automatically-generated, managed roles |
UPDATED | +vote VIP |
"+vote vote-ID finish" will now close both timed and untimed votes |
UPDATED | +logsjoin | Join logs will now show if a new user is a bot |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +info | Now prioritizes roles over channels when a user gives a name. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +vote vote-ID finish |
Added to allow ending a timed vote early |
NEW | +deleteinvites | Now automatically kicks new joins who have Discord server invites as their name |
NEW | +mute | Timed mutes will now persist even if the user leaves the server and rejoins |
UPDATED | +avatar | Updated to include a link to the user's profile image |
UPDATED | +ban +unban +mute +unmute +lock +taggable +vote |
Updated to set upper and lower timer boundaries for each command |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +info | Displays information about a given role, channel, or member |
NEW | +embed | Creates an embed which may be edited to include a color, description, image, or url |
NEW | +emotes | Responds with all emotes available on the server |
UPDATED | +information => +about | Renamed for clarity |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +purge | Updated hastebin upload to include message ID's for every message deleted |
FIX | +automoderator | Fixed an issue that would cause improperly formatted regular expression flags to silently throw errors in the background Now checks to make sure that regular expressions are formatted properly, before accepting |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +automoderator | Updated to include automoderation logs count in total counts, for user logs Also updated to automatically kick users who post flagged messages more than 3 times in 30 seconds |
UPDATED | clear | Tagging Elemental with no other message content will now return a useful embed! |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | clear | Made it easier for Packer to actually help out with the project. Woot! |
UPDATED | clear | Cleaned up a bunch of small checks that happen in roughly 30 commands. They'll run more efficiently now! |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | clear | Updated help responses for a lot of commands. Usually if you run a command with no further input, now, it will respond with the help for that command Also updated the way many commands will respond if you give bad input |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +8ball | Updated to require a proper question Now sends command send usage if there is no text given. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +8ball | Get a traditional 8-ball response to any question that you ask. |
UPDATED | +customcommand add --autodelete | Added the ability to have custom command responses automatically delete after the default amount of time. |
UPDATED | +help | Updated the way command documentation looks in the channel. Should be generally more useful |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | clear | Cleaned up a whole lot of stuff in the background Moved some modules to client properties to save some work later |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +quote add | Permissions level required to run this is now 2 |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +unmute user-mention/user-ID time +unban user-ID time |
Added the ability to set delayed unmutes and unbans using a time parameter |
NEW | +slowmode channel-mention time-in-seconds |
Now uses Discord's integrated channel options for slowmodes, making for a smoother experience on the user end. Still displays in the dashboard just the same as before |
UPDATED | +customcommand +alias +automoderator |
Updated to allow permission level 3 members to use the list extension of these commands Updated to allow for the remove extension to use a list number to reference a command for removal Updated the way these commands check for existing entries when adding new ones (smoooooth) |
UPDATED | +automoderator | Updated the way the automoderator command lists existing flags, adds new flags, and removes existing flags |
UPDATED | +cow +face |
Updated where these commands grabs their text data from, locally |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +quote list | Updated the list numbering to properly display continued numbering on pages after the first one |
UPDATED | +roleadmin +rolemod +rolemember +rolerecruit +roleblacklist +roleauto |
Will now accept a role's ID in any place where a role tag or name would be accepted |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +serverlist +roulette top +rolepublic list +automoderator list |
Updated lists to display item numbering relative to the entire list, rather than just the selected page |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +quote | Quotes may now be referenced in +quote # or +quote remove # based on their position as displayed in +quote list |
UPDATED | +customcommand | Custom command permissions are no longer overridden by +leveltouse settings |
FIX | +ban +kick |
Fixed a silly mistake in my order of operations that would cause banned/kicked users to not receive a DM notification |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +purge | Purged messages will now be exported to a hastebin link for post-delete viewing |
FIX | +customcommand | Fixed an issue that would cause custom commands to be improperly identified in the database |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +alias VIP |
Allows for creating custom command references for use on the server |
NEW | +customcommand VIP |
Allows for creating custom, text-responder commands with permissions levels to use |
FIX | +purge | Fixed an issue that would cause a false flag + cancel the purge when attempting to purge a tagged channel without a mentioned user (Thanks, Wind) |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +quote list | Allows for listing existing quotes along with their ID and author, to make it easy to find the ID later if you want to remove them |
NEW | +dashboard | DM's a link to Elemental's web dashboard |
NEW | +calendar | A fully-fledged calendar which may be used to save events and set reminders. This calendar is viewable in the server dashboard under the utilities tab |
UPDATED | +quote | Now requires permissions level 3 for adding, removing, and clearing quotes +quote message-id may now be used to grab a particular quote |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +automoderator add | Added support for setting up regular expressions as flags. Regex flags will be denoted by preceding and following forward slash "/" marks, and will exclude modifier flags |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +serverlist +roulette top +rolepublic list +automoderator list +ignore |
Updated the way that all of these commands handle displaying lists |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +automoderator | Fixed an issue that would cause +am list to not properly display the list of moderated words if the list was over 24 words |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +voicekick | Kicks a member from a voice channel |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +partners | DM's a link to Elemental's partners page |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +members | Updated to properly display ALL online members, in the second box |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +help | Updated to include a more complete list of links and related help material |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +slowmode VIP |
Sets a time which users must wait before send successive messages, in a channel |
NEW | +logsslowmode | Added to allow for specifying where slowmode settings are logged |
UPDATED | +settings | Updated to reflect new command additions |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +lock +mute +mute |
Fixed automated unlock/mute/ban logs to display the time that the action is undone, rather than when it was issued. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +lock | Now stores timers the same way as temporary bans and temporary mutes. Never lose another channel lock! |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +logsedit | Specifies channel for logging edits to user logs with +log |
UPDATED | +logsdelete | Added aliases +logsdeleted and +ldeleted |
UPDATED | +voicemove | Updated command to accept the format +voicemove channel | destination , separating the channel names with a pipe. This will allow for channels with similar names to be better selected |
UPDATED | +serverlist | Updated the server list to be a bit cleaner and compact, as the old one took up the entire screen |
UPDATED | +goodvibes +cat +dog |
Updated media sources |
UPDATED | +settings | Updated to reflect newly added logging settings |
UPDATED | +automoderator | Updated to allow for flagging only "exact matches" of a word or phrase, using quotation marks around the phrase upon adding |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +logsdelete | Now ignores deleted messages which were an Elemental command |
FIX | +kick +mute |
Fixed an issue that could cause no command response if target user was not present in the server |
FIX | Logging Utilities | Fixed an issue that would cause empty reason lines in logs to disply the default bot prefix rather than the custom server prefix on servers that had a custom prefix set |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +nickname | Now clears target user's existing nickname if no nickname is supplied Added flag to make sure new nickname is under 32 characters in length (Discord limitation) |
FIX | +automessage | Fixed an issue that could cause some variables to be replaced improperly in the welcome message |
FIX | +roleinfo | Fixed an issue that could cause no response to be given if the target role had no permissions |
FIX | +deleteinvites | Fixed an issue that could cause a message containing an invite to not be deleted if the user was automatically kicked at the same time |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | Logging utilities | Manual bans (right click -> ban) and manual unbans (from server settings menu) will now log to specified logsbans and logsunban channels. |
UPDATED | clear | Temporary mutes and bans that extend over long periods of time will now be properly preserved and will execute as expected (sometimes temporary mutes and bans over 7 days were not being preserved) |
UPDATED | clear | Implemented automated server settings backup system which keeps server settings safe in the event of power loss or other issues. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | Logging utilities | Changed "target user" fields to display a user#discrim rather than an @user, due to many of them becoming @invalid-user over time. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +logsdelete | Specifies channel for logging message deletions |
NEW | +ignore | Allows for Elemental to ignore automated actions in specified channels |
UPDATED | +settings | Updated to include new logs settings |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +automoderator | Updated the log entry to include the channel the removed message was posted in |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +rolepublic react | Updated the way the embed reactors are created. Now updates reactor content if a public role's name is changed, on the server. Also included support for old embeds; they'll automatically update if anyone reacts to them, now |
FIX | +iam +iamnot |
Fixed an issue which would cause the command not to properly add the role and/or respond to the command at all (Thanks Greenbuff!) |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +ban +unban +kick +mute +unmute |
Added options --silent and --s which execute the command without notifying the user about the moderation action, in DM |
NEW | +purge | Added option --ignore which deletes the number of messages not from the user tagged |
NEW | +roleinfo role-name |
Displays information about a role |
NEW | clear | Moved a ton of commonly used strings and info lines to global variables. This makes adding new things much easier, in the future |
UPDATED | +automoderator | Now provides accurate command feedback in the event an unexpected value is given |
UPDATED | +voicemove | Now allows for selecting particular individuals from the target channel to ignore and moves the members not tagged. If no members are tagged, the command moves everyone |
UPDATED | +iam +iamnot |
Now clears notifications after roles are added Now only accepts role names for specifying roles to add or remove |
UPDATED | +rolepublic react | Fixed an issue which would cause no reaction to be added to the reactor, initially Now notifies if an emoji must be added manually, for any reason |
UPDATED | +customprefix | Now only requires perm level 4 as opposed to server ownership |
UPDATED | +information | Added alias "about" for command "information" |
UPDATED | +deleteinvites | Deleted message replies now includes where the invite was detected in the message, whether in an embed, message text, or username |
UPDATED | +tictactoe | If improper input is received, Elemental now gives a more helpful reply Challenges are better at staying locked between two players, now, and you can no longer accept without a challenge being placed first |
FIXED | +roulette top | Fixed an issue which was causing the leaderboards to not properly display any sort of order |
FIXED | +say | Fixed an issue that could cause using the random capitalization option to work but not disappear from the message content, if a channel was tagged |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +roulette top (survived)/alive/dead] |
Displays top roulette stats for your server |
NEW | clear | Updated how Elemental stores and reads server settings |
NEW | +automessage | Added option --server, which is replaced with the server's name |
NEW | +ban +kick +mute +warn |
Now displays how many times the moderation action has been taken against the member (this count may be manually managed using +editlog) Improved the back-end of how these commands get users, notify users, handle moderation actions, and a whole plethora of other things |
NEW | +log | Allows for viewing and managing a user's log history |
NEW | +automoderator | Sets words, phrases, and contexts that the bot will automatically remove and log a warning for |
UPDATED | +finish -> +botunlock | Unlocks bot usage on the server if previously locked |
UPDATED | +roleadmin +rolemod +rolemember +rolerecruit +roleblacklist |
Now allows for a server role to be included in only one permissions group. Added a max count of 20 roles to these role groups |
UPDATED | +roleauto | Added a max count of 5 roles to this role group Adds all auto roles at the same time (as opposed to one-by-one) when a member joins the server. Less clutter for your audit logs |
UPDATED | +logsjoin | Now notes how many log entries a user has, if any |
UPDATED | +rolepublic react | The DM message sent upon receiving/removing a role now looks prettier |
UPDATED | +ban | Allows for entering temporary ban time and days to purge in an interchangable order, in the command |
UPDATED | +mute | Allows for entering temporary mute time and mute type in an interchangable order, in the command |
UPDATED | +publicroles -> +rolepublic | Renamed for continuity when it comes to role list commands (e.g. +roleadmin, +rolemod, etc) |
UPDATED | clear | Updated physical log entries for warns, mutes, kicks, bans, and auto-logs to display total log entries |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +warn | Fixed an issue that could cause the command not to run if +channellogs and +logswarn were not set |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +documentation +information +invite +trello |
Updated how the embedded message looks, in DM |
UPDATED | +serverlist | Updated how the server list is displayed |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +automessage | Added new options which allow for "variables" in welcome message |
UPDATED | +help | Updated the way help text is displayed |
UPDATED | +cat +dog |
+cat gif -> +cat --gif+dog gif -> +dog --gif |
UPDATED | +settings | Updated display order of "General" settings category for a nicer look |
UPDATED | +reload | Back-end update to make it easier to push updates live |
FIX | +lock +unlock |
Now uses new permissions overwrite methods available in the recently updated library |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +lock cancel -> +unlock channel-mention |
Unlocks channel if the channel is currently locked using +lock |
NEW | +logsunlock | Specifies channel for logging channel unlocks (channellogs by default) |
UPDATED | +iam +iamnot +publicroles |
Now disregards capitalization of role name |
UPDATED | +lock | No longer allows for specifying channel by text name. Use channel tags :p |
UPDATED | +serverlist | Now properly displays all guilds and their owners |
UPDATED | +settings | Now nicely displays "pairs" of log channels, and includes new logging type "logsunlock" |
UPDATED | clear | Change logs updates for commands will now link to where the command can be found in the documentation |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +whois | Now offers an option to show what permissions a member has using "--p" |
UPDATED | clear | Updated framework library |
FIX | +publicroles react | Now prevents members from spamming the reaction to add+remove a role repeatedly |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +stats | For debugging purposes. Just spits out some process stats. |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +mute +unmute |
Updated to allow "mute" role to be found if there is any role on the server with "mute" as a part of the name |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +publicroles react role-name/role-mention emoji |
Allows members with permissions level 3 and above to set up a clean-looking embed message that server members may react to to receive an existing public role |
UPDATED | clear | Elemental will now have 100% uptime (excluding internet connectivity issues) and can be expected to run around the clock without fail! |
UPDATED | clear | Updated the way Elemental listens for editing of messages that were posted before the bot was online to allow it to listen to the older messages as well |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +purge | Now allows for purging only messages from a specified user along with specifying a channel |
UPDATED | +serverinfo | Now replies in the channel it is run in regardless of whether the staff bot channel is set |
FIX | clear | Fixed a small typo in the responder for if a command fails to run |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +help | Now DMs basic help box if no command is supplied (rather than responding in the channel). Does not allow use of +help command if the user does not have high enough permissions to use the bot, on the server |
UPDATED | +clean # |
Now removes a number of both Elemental's messages and messages which start with the server's custom bot prefix |
FIX | +serverlist +publicroles list |
Fixed an issue that would cause pages to not properly display their respective contents |
FIX | +mute | Fixed a silly thing which was overlooked |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +trello | DM's a link to Elemental's trello board, a visual collection of future plans and suggestions |
UPDATED | +mute | Tweaked some small things related to error feedback |
UPDATED | clear | Adjusted the way Elemental handles logging mutes. Now displays time if one was given, as well |
UPDATED | +server | Removed unnecessary description |
UPDATED | +information | Updated to richtext URLs |
UPDATED | +documentation | Updated to richtext URLs |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +clean | Now accepts a # argument to specify how many recent messages from Elemental you would like to have cleaned up. Usage shown at commands list |
UPDATED | +mute | Now allows for text, voice, or combined mutes (all able to be put on a timer) and supplying a reason for mod log detailing |
UPDATED | +unmute | Updated to reflect changes to +mute |
UPDATED | +help command |
Now notes the difference between optional and required parameters |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | clear | Easter-egg for Slothy |
UPDATED | clear | Elemental now only requires basic Read/Write/History/Embed permissions in order to function at a basic level, and it will let the user know if those requirements are not met before allowing use of commands |
UPDATED | clear | Elemental now notifies user of what permissions are missing if a command requires more than basic permissions (e.g. "+ban" requires "BAN_MEMBERS") |
UPDATED | clear | Members with the Manage Server permission will now automatically have a permission level 4 with the bot |
UPDATED | +tictactoe | Does a better job keeping things to a 1v1, now |
FIX | +whois | Fixed issue where the character limitations of embedded fields could be exceeded if the member had too many roles |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +serverinfo | Fixed issue where the character limitations of embedded fields could be exceeded if the server had too many roles |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +face | Gets a random ASCII face for you |
NEW | +cow | Gets a random ASCII cow for you |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +taggable | Allows for the tagging of a normally non-taggable role to be toggled or to be allowed for a given period of time |
NEW | +goodvibes | Grabs an image or link for some feel-good-ness |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +shorten | Now uses regular expressions to better check for proper links |
UPDATED | +deletelinks | Improved link detection |
UPDATED | +deleteinvites | Improved Discord server invite detection |
UPDATED | clear | Permissions system has been improved on the back-end |
UPDATED | clear | Commands which have a typo in them may now be edited in order to correct the command. Elemental will run the command as if it were sent in a new message |
FIX | +publicroles list | No longer displays an empty embed if there's no public roles available on the server |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +publicroles list | Now supports role list pages. A single page may hold up to 24 public roles. Additional pages may be referenced using their page number |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | clear | Fixed broken stuff! |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +settings | Now broken down to only send individual settings categories |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +categoryfun enable/disable +cfun enable/disable |
Enables or disables the use of commands from this category on your server |
NEW | +categorymoderation enable/disable +cmoderation enable/disable +cmod enable/disable |
Enables or disables the use of commands from this category on your server |
NEW | +categoryroles enable/disable +croles enable/disable |
Enables or disables the use of commands from this category on your server |
NEW | +categoryutility enable/disable +cutility enable/disable |
Enables or disables the use of commands from this category on your server |
UPDATED | clear | Updated how Elemental stores long-term data on the back end (atomic writes). Less chance of something to get messed up back there, now |
UPDATED | +ping | Now replies with Elemental response time, rather than the API response time |
UPDATED | +settings | Reflects newly available settings for enabling or disable categories of commands |
UPDATED | +autonickname | Success chat response now includes what the nickname is set to |
UPDATED | +automessage | Success chat response is a bit more specific with its reply |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +serverlist | Returns a list of servers that elemental is on |
UPDATED | +lock | Now notifies if the moderator attempting the command does not have the required permissions to use the command |
UPDATED | +unban | Now notifies if the moderator attempting the command does not have the required permissions to use the command |
UPDATED | +voicemove | Now notifies if the moderator attempting the command does not have the required permissions to use the command |
UPDATED | +publicroles | Adding a new public role now correctly explains how to take that new public role |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | clear | Did some stuff in the background which will allow me to more easily fix issues and keep track of how smoothly Elemental is running |
UPDATED | clear | Background logging and whatnot is now accomplished with webhooks. Makes it a little nicer to work with. |
FIX | +lock | Fixed an issue that would cause channels which were unlocked automatically to not allow another lock to occur if attempted |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +help | Now allows for searching up command aliases as well as full command titles |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | clear | Background improvements to the way Elemental does its things |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +shorten | Now accepts links with hidden embeds, using open and close arrow brackets |
FIX | +shorten | Fixed an issue that would cause Elemental to crash if the url passed inspection but didn't match what the API wanted |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +mlem | Grabs a random image for /r/mlem |
UPDATED | +warn | Now notifies users via DM when they are warned |
UPDATED | +kick | Now notifies users via DM when they are kicked |
UPDATED | +ban | Now notifies users via DM when they are banned |
UPDATED | +mute | Now notifies users via DM when they are muted, and for how long |
UPDATED | +unmute | Now notifies users via DM when they are unmuted |
FIX | +automessage | Typo |
Type | Command | Description |
UPDATED | +id | Now allows for search by tag (e.g. +id zinc#2032) |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +role | Assigns a role to or takes a role from a user |
NEW | clear | Commands which have multiple sub-options within the command now spit out the help menu if used alone (+ban alone spits out a help menu on the command usage) |
UPDATED | +take -> +iam | Renamed for differentiation between these and +role Now accepts multiple methods of tagging the target public role |
UPDATED | +remove -> +iamnot | Renamed for differentiation between these and +role Now accepts multiple methods of tagging the target public role |
UPDATED | +publicroles list | Now shows +iam usage in embed description area |
UPDATED | +publicroles add | Accepts a role tag as well as a role name |
UPDATED | +publicroles remove | Accepts a role tag as well as a role name |
UPDATED | +ban | Now accepts user ID as well as user mention |
UPDATED | +kick | Now accepts user ID as well as user mention |
UPDATED | +kick | Now accepts user ID as well as user mention |
UPDATED | +unmute | Now accepts user ID as well as user mention |
UPDATED | +warn | Now accepts user ID as well as user mention |
UPDATED | +avatar | Now accepts user ID as well as user mention |
UPDATED | +nickname | Now accepts user ID as well as user mention |
UPDATED | +whois | Now accepts user ID as well as user mention |
UPDATED | +elevation (perms) | May now be used to get another user's bot permission level. Accepts user ID as well as user mention. |
Type | Command | Description |
FIX | +tictactoe | Resolved issue that would cause a crash if someone tried to use the tic tac toe commands with no bot channel set for the server. |
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +tictactoe | clear |
NEW | +shorten | clear |
NEW | +id | clear |
NEW | +voicemove | clear |
UPDATED | +roleauto | clear |
UPDATED | +publicroles | clear |
UPDATED | +roleauto | clear |
UPDATED | +rolemod | clear |
UPDATED | +rolemember | clear |
UPDATED | +rolerecruit | clear |
UPDATED | +settings | clear |
UPDATED | +take | clear |
Prior to 3.11.18
Type | Command | Description |
NEW | +tictactoe | A classic, two-player game |
NEW | +shorten | Shortens links |
NEW | +id | Retrieves the ID of a given user |
NEW | +voicemove | Moves all users in one voice channel to another voice channel |
UPDATED | +roleauto | clear |
UPDATED | +publicroles | clear |
UPDATED | +roleauto | clear |
UPDATED | +rolemod | clear |
UPDATED | +rolemember | clear |
UPDATED | +rolerecruit | clear |
UPDATED | +settings | clear |
UPDATED | +take | clear |