Website Change Logs
Type | Description |
FIX | Pages requiring authentication will now send the user to their intended destination page after login, rather than the base dashboard page. |
Type | Description |
NEW | Overhaul web interface to support updated CSS/JS framework. This change improves overall website performance and introduces latest web features. |
Type | Description |
NEW | For Channel Rules settings, Discord thread channels can now configurably inherit the enforcement settings of their parent channels. |
Type | Description |
REMOVED | Removed all vote/poll related features in favor of encouraging users to make use of the newly introduced, integrated Discord platform polls. |
Type | Description |
FIX | Fixed an issue where URLs that did not exist would never land at the 404 page. |
Type | Description |
FIX | Improved web error handlers to provide end user with a proper error page, rather than a broken display render. |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Implemented user tokens for CORS checks and origin checking on POST |
Type | Description |
FIX | Fixed an issue that would cause editing dashboard configuration items to fail if certain text characters were present. |
Type | Description |
FIX | Fixed an issue that would cause editing of text area entries to add extra newline characters. |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added Direct Message (DM) Commands to the web documentation. |
Type | Description |
NEW | Lots of web improvements. Things got faster and better! |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added site Accessibility Settings menu, allowing for the adjustment of site fonts, colors, and selectors. Give it a try! |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | All site colors and themes have been updated to be visually compliant with WCAG AA standards. |
Type | Description |
NEW | All dashboard areas allowing for configuration of settings will auto-save as changes are made. |
NEW | Spinny boi. |
FIX | Some issues with command documentation have been resolved. |
REMOVED | Command documentation example gifs were outdated, showing pre-slash-command usage. These have been removed for the time being. |
Type | Description |
NEW | Some dashboard text input areas have been improved in their overall user experience. |
Type | Description |
NEW | Economy score increments now have an adjustable interval between messages being rewarded. This may be configured in your server's dashboard under "Economy". |
Type | Description |
NEW | Auto Channels, Economy Roles, DM Alert Fields, and Role Messages may now be edited in-place in the dashboard without requiring them to be deleted and re-added. |
Type | Description |
NEW | Custom commands may now be edited in-place in the dashboard without requiring them to be deleted and re-added. |
Type | Description |
FIX | Any dashboard dropdowns providing a list of server channels will now be properly sorted in the order they appear in the server |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Web documentation has been updated to support all slash command paths and descriptions. |
Type | Description |
REMOVED | Removed dashboard channels settings page and moved: Logs channel setting has been moved to the logs settings page Media channels setting has been moved to the content filters settings page |
Type | Description |
FIX | Fixed an issue that would cause giveaways and votes not to properly post if Elemental was missing permissions to speak in the target channels. This will now reply with a more informative failure response. |
Type | Description |
NEW | Cookie preferences menu now offers more granularity in the settings configurable. Give it a look! |
UPDATED | VIP Information page is now updated with slash command help for getting VIP and Modmail activated on your servers |
UPDATED | Custom command prefix has been moved to the custom commands section of the dashboard. |
UPDATED | Added informative text in the dashboard related to role assignments requiring Elemental's highest role to be ordered above target roles. |
Type | Description |
NEW | Modmail ticket types may now be managed in the dashboard using a new, searchable entry area on the Modmail page. Check it out! |
Type | Description |
NEW | Role messages management dashboard page is now available for VIP servers. |
NEW | Auto Moderator dashboard settings and flag management have been moved to their own page on the dashboard. |
UPDATED | Invite, raid, and media detectors have been moved to the new "Content Filters" settings page in the dashboard. |
Type | Description |
NEW | Custom commands now accept {{user}}, {{tag}}, and {{time}} placeholders in their response which will be replaced with the related information when they are used in a server channel. |
NEW | Custom commands may now be toggled as enabled or disabled without deleting them. |
Type | Description |
FIX | Dashboard loads were making unnecessary calls to the Discord API. This is now resolved. |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Acknowledgements page now gets automatically populated based on the users in Elemental's Discord server with related roles. This will save a lot of time updating the list! |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Removed any remaining references to "Mutes", which have been replaced with Timeouts. |
REMOVED | Removed all previously available configurations related to command permissions management. Command availability per-role will now be left to the Discord-side management utilities. |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Modmail ticket counter has restored functionality |
UPDATED | Website documentation now lists all slash commands along with their required user and Elemental Discord permissions. |
Type | Description |
NEW | Custom Commands dashboard page now includes some new features |
UPDATED | Swapped out a few dashboard icons for updated ones |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Custom Commands and Linked Access dashboard channels are up and running |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Added all new patrons, Kofi supporters, boosters, and Bug Hunters to the acknowledgements page |
UPDATED | Made changes to the privacy policy |
Type | Description |
FIX | Fixed an issue that would cause users to be locked out of the website unless they cleared their browser cache after webserver updates/restarts. This was due to a user session caching error and is now resolved. |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Utility dashboard page for currently running timers is now functional again with support for ban, lock, say, and reminder timers. These will likely be split out into their own individual pages to match the format of vote, givewaway, and prize drop timers. |
Type | Description |
NEW | Updated dashboard to provide support for newly added timeout logs channels |
Type | Description |
NEW | Fixed an issue that would cause invalid redirects when attempting to load the website while not authenticated |
8.1.21 - 8.30.21
Type | Description |
NEW | Complete overhaul of the web-based dashboard to allow for complete management of Elemental's settings for your server configurations and utilities |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added more greater feature visibility and configuration management via the Dashboard for modmail, automation settings, and more. |
Type | Description |
NEW | Introduced new cookie usage consent popup in order to comply with GDPR related to cookie usage transparency. |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Adjusted change logs and website change logs page load methods to allow for faster initial page response and improved useability on mobile |
UPDATED | Improved page element initialization on all dashboard pages using a character counter for entry boxes |
UPDATED | Behind the scenes management page improvements |
Type | Description |
FIX | Fixed an issue with hastebin entries that could cause no text data to be displayed on the page. |
Type | Description |
NEW | Base hastebin URL is now functional for viewing haste entries |
Type | Description |
FIX | Fixed an issue with the Elemental hastebin that would cause new hastes to fail. |
Type | Description |
FIX | Fixed bad responses from enabling/disable VIP features via the dashboard (thanks @theDoctor!) |
FIX | Fixed custom dashboard URLs (thanks @theDoctor!) |
FIX | Fixed custom permissions and enabled/disabled commands not "sticking" in the dashboard (thanks @theDoctor!) |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Massive overhaul of the website behind-the-scenes related to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The site should be loading faster and running more smoothly overall. |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added toggle to dashboard for Patrons to toggle VIP on servers which they have permission level 4. |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Larger text fields in the dashboard (like automoderator flags, custom command responses, and dm alert field values) are now multiline for ease of use. |
UPDATED | Custom commands may now be set up to permission level 4 in the dashboard |
Type | Description |
NEW | Beta version of is now live at! |
NEW | The dashboard commands pages now allow for management of custom command permissions |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added new partner ItAllCanWait! |
NEW | Updated list of Kofi Supporters and Partons on Elemental's acknowledgements page |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Dashboard Commands Settings pages have now been moved to their own respective pages for each category, to match the other dashboard settings areas (settings, utilities) |
UPDATED | Revised Terms of Service to include new section 2.6 "Modmail" |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added Dashboard link to main navigation bar |
UPDATED | Moved Change Logs pages to the home navigation dropdown |
UPDATED | Renamed "Support the Project" -> "Contribute" in the navigation bar |
UPDATED | Cleaned up homepage layout a little bit |
REMOVED | Removed redundant Home link from the home dropdown menu. |
Type | Description |
NEW | Custom command response field at now accepts multiline entries |
Type | Description |
FIX | Fixed an issue that would cause saving empty Dashboard Settings/Utilities page fields not to properly apply changes to the server's settings. |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | This page loads significantly faster, now |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added new partner Gamers of Entity! |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Updated web documentation to better fit various screen sizes with information. Also added fields for new "Notes" available for some commands. |
UPDATED | Long pages without secondary navigation will now include a "go to top" button that scrolls to the top of the page automatically. Pages with secondary navigation on large screens will only display this "go to top" button on smaller displays, when the secondary navigation is not available. |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added new page Giveaways! This page allows you to see what giveaways you've entered in or still have time to enter in! |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added new page /dashboard/GUILD_ID/setup This page allows for quick and easy first-time setup of your server's basic settings all in one place |
FIXED | Updated API to properly receive votes from bot lists |
FIXED | Fixed a text box on the automation settings page in the dashboard |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added DM Alert Fields management dashboard utilities page |
NEW | Added base layer requirements for including help media (gifs, images) on all documentation |
UPDATED | Updated various dashboard utilities pages to make use of improved searchbars system |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Updated Elemental's Terms of Usage, Privacy Policy, and Acknowledgements |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Added navigation bar links for the new Elemental Store |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Added channel parent categories to all channel dropdown lists in dashboard, in case there are channels with the same name on the server. |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added settings boxes for ignoring automated actions and certain logging functions in specified channels, where applicable |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added Economy section of the utilities dashboard, for managing servers' VIP economy roles |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added new dashboard settings page for Modmail settings and management |
UPDATED | Updated dashboard settings pages to display under dropdown menu for individual settings pages. This will be extended to include further settings pages in the future. |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Updated dashboard utilities pages to display under dropdown menu for individual utility pages. This will be extended to include further utilities in the future. |
Type | Description |
FIX | Fixed an issue with sorting by permission levels in the documentation |
Type | Description |
FIX | Fixed an issue with adding autochannels through the dashboard |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added new Partner Tell Me Why to the partners page! |
Type | Description |
FIX | Fixed an issue causing vanity URLs to not load |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added toggle in the dashboard to allow turning on or off whether staff members are identified in moderation DM alerts |
Type | Description |
FIX | Fixed vanity URL settings not properly allowing setting |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Dashboard utilities linked access and auto channels tabs now have search bars |
FIX | Fixed user logs not displaying upon search, on the dashboard utilities page |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Add confirmations to dashboard reset page |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Server settings dashboard now allows for managing multi-select Elemental-permission-linked roles through the dashboard |
UPDATED | Server settings dashboard now allows for managing multi-select Elemental channels through the dashboard |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Added button to reset role reactors to /reset dashboard page |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added /reset dashboard page, to allow for resetting various server settings, statistics, and values |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added VIP Server indicator to dashboard side cards |
UPDATED | VIP information page has been moved from "/donate/vip" to "/vip" |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added individual shard statuses and server counts to |
Type | Description |
NEW | is now the new project support page |
UPDATED | is the updated location for |
UPDATED | Updated "Useful Links" section of the home page, and added new links that had net yet made their way onto the list |
FIX | Fixed dashboard navigation menus - They were not updated to match the main navigation menus |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | The Elemental hastebin is now back online! All hastebin entries may be located at |
Type | Description |
NEW | VIP server may now set custom vanity URL's through which they can access their dashboards |
NEW | |
UPDATED | Updated a bunch of website link icons |
Type | Description |
FIX | Fixed an issue that would cause the dashboard to not properly allow access to server settings according to a user's Discord role permissions within Discord or with Elemental |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Updated homepage features list to better highlight Elemental's commands and features. |
FIX | Updated documentation page to include some new commands that got filtered out in the mess of big, recent updates! |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Updated dashboard settings page in the "General" category to include new settings for both VIP and non-VIP servers |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Updated splash art for Deathgarden's partner listing |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Removed two partner listings who no longer qualify for partnership |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Added new partner Sea of Thieves to the partners page! |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Moved all documentation to central documentation page, organized listings, and included updated filtering options |
UPDATED | Added server names upon hover to the serverlist page |
Type | Description |
FIX | Fixed issues on the dashboard related to a recent large update |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added autochannels management tab under the dashboard utilities page |
UPDATED | Updated dashboard utilities page contents for linked access channels page |
UPDATED | Updated dashboard utilities page contents for custom commands / aliases page |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Updated dashboard settings page layouts and content to reflect new functionalities |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Updated site icons to reflect Elemental's logo changes |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added Patrons page to show off all the people currently supporting the project and keeping it going |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added two new color themes |
UPDATED | Added buttons to allow for cycling through themes forward or backward |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added persistent theming options via theme button in the bottom right, on desktop |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Updated commands management dashboard page to display the server's custom prefix, rather than the bot's standard prefix |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added antiraid setting box to VIP server dashboards |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added "commands" page to server dashboards which allows you to enable or disable specific Elemental commands apart from entire categories |
UPDATED | Updated "Manage Servers" dashboard page to show circular buttons instead of square ones, to accommodate for the new commands page |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Updated dashboard settings page to have a floating save button any time settings have changed |
UPDATED | Updated dashboard customs tab on the utilities page to only show the custom commands permission if it's needed |
UPDATED | Cleaned up a lot of back-end functions to keep everything running more smoothly |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added permissions-levels checkboxes to documentation pages which will show or hide commands with that permission level |
UPDATED | Updated website color palette |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Updated dashboard server settings to reflect additions and changes to logging functionalities |
Type | Description |
NEW | The dashboard will now display servers on which you have bot permissions above level 3! If you have permission level 3, you will not have access to the server settings, but can still access the utilities tab freely. |
UPDATED | Documentation listings are now sorted alphabetically |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added quickstart section to the setup documentation |
UPDATED | Updated how the documentation pages look and feel |
UPDATED | Updated documentation popups to now allow themselves to be 90% of the page's height, so you won't have to scroll them anymore |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added statistics tab to the utilities dashboard page for servers which displays information about how much use Elemental is getting in different areas, on your server. |
NEW | Added Meet the Team page which lists everyone involved in the project |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added widgets to the home page through which Elemental may be upvoted |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Updated all documentation pages to pull directly from local command files |
Type | Description |
NEW | Permission level 3 users on a server (Moderators) may now directly access the server dashboard's Utilities page for any servers they have this permission level on. |
NEW | Dashboard pages now display Elemental's prefix on that server, on the left |
UPDATED | Updated the way the Logs page behaves + loads on the Dashboard's utilities page under "Logs" |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added buttons to remove timed events on the server via the Dashboard's utilities page under "Timers". This does not include slowmodes. |
NEW | Added buttons to remove existing custom commands and aliases via the Dashboard's utilities page under "Custom (VIP)" |
Type | Description |
NEW | Elemental server list page, which is just a neat lineup of all the servers currently using Elemental |
Type | Description |
NEW | Dashboard utilities page, under the "Custom (VIP)" tab, now offers the ability for VIP users to add new custom commands and aliases through the dashbaord |
Type | Description |
NEW | Status page which displays information about Elemental's processes and Discord connection |
UPDATED | Updated navigation menus to include material design icons |
UPDATED | Updated mobile navigation menus for main site as well as the dashboard section, to reflect changes to the dashboard |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added tab for custom commands and command aliases to the utilities tab of server dashboard pages |
Type | Description |
NEW | Official release of the server dashboard and utilities pages for VIP Elemental users |
UPDATED | Updated the way all of the site's searchbars function. Should be a little more snappy, now |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added Server dashboard and utilities pages through which server settings and information can be viewed and managed from a web interface |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added VIP information page to provide information on what cool things you get for supporting the project |
UPDATED | Navigation bar has been reorganized and links have been updated in order to allow you to easily access all the pages of the website |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added central donations page through which you can find links to support Elemental |
UPDATED | Updated navigation menus to remove sidebar elementals and instead place certain links under "Home" tab in the navigation bar. These changes are also reflected on mobile. |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Added new partner, Deathgarden, to the parters page |
Type | Description |
UPDATED | Documentation and Setup -> search bar on the left side now does a better job of showing you anything that could match your search criteria. Also hides command categories which do not return any search hits. |
Type | Description |
NEW | -> reviewed, sizeable communities who express both interest and support for Elemental, make use of Elemental on their servers, and provide feedback and suggestions for what they'd like to see added in the future |
Type | Description |
NEW | -> a link via which you can support Elemental and its development in return for some fun perks and ZiNc's thankful reply =) |
NEW | Added Patreon link to both the mobile and tablet menus, and the PC social links (side-screen menu items) |
Type | Description |
NEW | |
NEW | |
NEW | |
NEW | |
UPDATED | docs-commands -> |
UPDATED | docs-setup -> |
UPDATED | change-logs -> |
UPDATED | change-logs-beta -> |
Type | Description |
WEB | Command documentation now uses bracket identifiers to show what parts of commands are optional, required, default, or modifiers |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added section for command category controls |
NEW | We got SSL boiiiiiiii |
UPDATED | Organized the change logs into dropdowns by month |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added section under the Setup Commands documentation for command categories settings |
Type | Description |
NEW | Added this first change logs page! |